Thursday, January 13, 2005

I'm now awaiting the verdict on whether my committee will approve my study or not. I'm kind of concerned about one member that my advisor really wanted, but whom I had only met once, maybe 2 or 3 years ago. I think he's not hip to the circumstances forcing the collective hands of the students in my cohort ("approve now, then fix before sending in to the grad school")! I think he wishes I would be more fluent in speaking statistic-ese. (Compared to most people, of course, I am, but not next to a Stats Master...)

Now that I think of it, in the past 4-1/2 months, I have: defended my thesis (more than once), written my comprehensive exams, done internship applications and interviews, and developed my dissertation proposal from the ground up. Which is really a honkin' big lotta work.

Hope it's approved, even provisionally! [crosses fingers] ... [crosses other fingers]


MadNorthman said...

I'll have the kitties cross their toes for you...

argotnaut said...

I press for you the thumbs.

liz said...

Well, I did pass, provisionally (as we all did), which means I have to change stuff about it. But that's okay, I met the deadline.

My advisor reminded me that although I defended my proposal the same week as my cohort, and passed provisionally the same as my cohort, that I did it all in less than one month. The others had anywhere from 6 months to a year since they defended their theses much sooner. (Whereas I, due to finding out at the last minute *twice* that I had to rewrite it, didn't defend until...what was it, October?) So I guess all this work is at least serving the function of catching me up.

And one of my committee members just emailed me to say that I handled the defense meeting "really well", so I guess contrary to my perception it went over OK.

liz said...

Oh yeah, I should also add that I did all that while teaching my first class for the first time (whihc is a LOT of work, if you've ever done that) and also maintaining 10-20 clinic hours per week.

And I've been wondering why my asthma has been bad this fall?!

I heard today that now they are reconsidering having the doctoral students begin teaching at the exact same time as comps, internship apps, and dissertation proposals. So hopefully the following cohorts will benefit from our guinea-piggage.