Saturday, January 15, 2005

After the "Provisional Pass," I was too exhausted to even be excited about it. I went home, broke out in several spots, and tried to sleep but found all the thoughts I haven't had time to process for the past 6 months rattling around in my head every time I lay my head on the pillow. Then I had a long day at the student clinic, and had to use a cartload of Albuterol when the walk home proved too cold for my lungs. So by 5 this morning, I awoke full of stimulants and newly giddy from lack of deadline and lack of sleep, in a practically hypomanic state.

It was as though my brain, having been wearing a brain girdle for so many months, was suddenly sprung loose. I actually had a pot of tea ready before TheLimey's BBC alarm went off. (Then I harassed him with my general awakeness until he was forced to wake up, too.) I've been giggling for no reason at odd moments, like in the shower, and am suddenly remembering all the things I've meant to do since...oh, September. Not just do, but even the momentary thoughts I meant to pursue, the food I meant to eat, the movies I haven't seen...

Now, don't get me wrong, I still have plenty of work to do. It's just that I finished all these ridiculous deadlines that I had to do in order to finish my degree and go on internship.

Now must go to Home Depot for brunch. More later.


argotnaut said...

Are you taking Singulair yet, missy?

Andrew said...

Home Depot for brunch? Are you having eggs on plywood and a slice of cantaloupe with drill bits?

liz said...

No, but they do have a hot dog stand with Chicago style dogs. Mmmmm....celery salt...