Monday, September 27, 2004

FINALLY! Defended my thesis today and am now a Mistress of Science (they can keep their old Masters degrees as far as I'm concerned.) That makes a total of three sequential degrees in Psychology that I have achieved.

I think I worked about 150 hours on this in just the past two weeks. Feel too tired to be excited. Also, having been squashed like a fly the first couple of times made it a lot harder to build up that anticipation. In fact, I was crying this morning right before my defense. Just a little bit, from stress and exhaustion, and the certainty that it was just never going to fly. But it did, somehow.

Colleague: "Congratulations! So what are you going to do this afternoon?"
Me: "Well, I have a lot of papers to grade, and I have to prepare my dissertation research design for a meeting tomorrow, and develop the plans for my therapy group for this fall."
Colleague: "You sure know how to party."

Really, I just want to go home, have a nap, and then vacuum-seal things.


The Limey said...

Congrats - Try not to seal any Squirrels

liz said...

I'm not making any promises...

Gwen said...

Chip! Chrrrrrrrr!! *&@$!!@% Chip! [danger! flee the forest!]

Gwen said...

By the way, many congratulations on the completion of your thesis.

Andrew said...

Congratulations, Mistress! Do you at least get a new, special tassle for your mortarboard? Or perhpas a brown mortarboard cover to symbolize all the (bleep) that's been dumped on you the past couple of years?

argotnaut said...

Hooray! Congratulations! For some reason, I was thinking that since it didn't happen when you thought it was going to, it was going to be months and months now . . .

Mark said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats! I cried a little before mine too. Same reasons.

It's so good to be done. You rock!

Bertha Price said...

Good thing that there were not much of revisions for your thesis, Liz. I think some people find it hard to accept that some of the committee wants to revise the paper especially on the thesis abstract part. Anyway, how are you now? I do hope everything went well with your life.