Thursday, May 19, 2005

Although mine don't ever seem to be as good as Library Liddy's, I still get some amusing search terms from time to time. Today's are: "albino panther"; "woman are evil" (those who think women are evil don't seem to know that there is more than one woman); "Candice Bergen catfight"; the omnipresent "UTI treatment"; "nonwords" (yay!); and whoever the heck keeps looking up "old-tyme porn".

Speaking of nonwords, I heard an almost nonword. Well, it's a word, but a flagrantly misused one. "Contents".

As in, "taking my words completely out of contents".


Liddy said...

Hmm... I don't know, "Candace Bergen catfight" is about as good a search phrase as I've ever seen. The best part is once you post about your ridiculous search terms, you get more of the same since you actually posted the phrases they want. So next time I'm trolling the Internet for old-tyme porn featuring Candace Bergen catfights with that darn Evil Woman, you ought to be number 1.

Liddy said...

Oh, and not to mention several of my search terms contain the word "lizardo." I have only you to thank.

liz said...

They are *so* taking my entries completely out of contents.

argotnaut said...

"Candace Bergen Catfight" ... yet another fabulous band name!

brainhell said...

> "taking my words completely out of contents"

Ha! Wow! That comes from too much talking and not enough reading. Which I "take for granite."