Tuesday, October 11, 2005


More nonword fun*.

From Surface: "unequivocably" [unequivocally]

From a book-on-tape I've been listening to in the car: "dialated" [dilated] and of course my all-time favorite/peevy mispronunciation: "relator" [realtor]. (It's as bad as "athalete" [athlete]!)

*And thanks to Liddy for the addition of good old "fermiliar" [familiar] and ..."statisticky"! [comes with standard deviations, cinnamon sugar & melted butter?]


argotnaut said...

For some reason, I suddenly had the feeling that I should google "without further adieu." I was shocked to get 107,000 hits!

You DO know about the Eggcorn Database, don't you?

liz said...

I think you told me about it, but I hadn't actually seen it before.

Luckily for me, they seem to be concentrating on written media.