Monday, October 24, 2005

Red Furry Hopping Shark

Why can't they ever have photos with news items like this?


Tim said...

When this story surfaced a year ago (no pun intended), there were a bunch of pictures of this new (?) shark. Unfortunately, this is the best picture I can find at the moment.

I was disappointed, as it looks a lot like a nurse shark. You can't even see the furry!

liz said...

But now at least I can imagine it!

Now I want to see a clip of it hopping.

argotnaut said...


Funny, I can more or less _read_ Dutch, but I sure can't understand the spoken language! I know a nieuwe haaiensoort when I see one.

liz said...

After all, Dutch is just something that some cartoonist cobbled together out of German and English, anyway.

liz said...

Oh yeah, now that I've seen the photo, I do seem to remember seeing something about it. Vaguely.

Tim said...

I could have sworn I'd blogged about it, but now that I'm looking through my archives, I'll be damned if I can find it. Ah well. Maybe it was just a dream...