Wednesday, March 29, 2006

All Organizey

Have been too busy being volunteer coordinator for this upcoming international event to do much else.

Some of the work can of course be summed up in three words: drama, drama, drama!

Other than that, it's just organizing. I call my Excel spreadsheet of volunteers' availabilities and duties the "Tetris Spreadsheet" as that's what it looks like--a big mass of tiny varicolored blocks.

Oh yeah, I also did the graphics and set up souvenirs for the event. And alternate souvenirs that are only available online, since conflicts over which design to use were about to come to blows (by me).

The Orange Ball of Women won out as the official design for the overall conference instead of the Multicolor Intersecting Women one that I preferred, but the Women of Color Caucus did like my Standing Together Women design for their items. >haughty sniff<

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