Monday, November 07, 2005


The Limey
Originally uploaded by Melanie and Co..
This should so be a "Men of IT" calendar page. (Mr. November!)


Anonymous said...

Ahh-hah! I wondered why there were more views of the limey photo than the other party photos.

liz said...

Oh, it's probably just that link to "Ex-pat" ;)

Not that I'm biased in the slightest.

liz said...

Hey, waitaminnit!

Where's that wedding ring, mister??

argotnaut said...

Those kooky Europeans alwas wear it on the wrong hand.

liz said...

I think he actually did forget to put it back on that night after cooking the curry to bring to the party.

(PS: I thought it was spelled "alwez"!)

Tim said...

There really ought to be a manual with those things!

argotnaut said...

Ack! Always! Always! This darned new keyboard causes typos.

liz said...

I just assumed it was a phonetic spelling.