Sunday, January 16, 2005

Today I finally bought a printer and scanner. On eBay. I ended up getting the printer cartridges on Amazon, though, and they cost as much as the printer (and more than the scanner).

I also received the Palm IIIe I ordered from eBay primarily to get the desktop software, so I can finally Hotsync with my laptop--I mean, Clu. I can't tell you how much fun it was to finally back up everything onto him. Unfortunately, Clu wouldn't read the CD, which freaked me out a bit, but then TheLimey loaded it onto his computer, and then transferred it to Clu via his WiFi. Very complicated, but made the victory all the sweeter as it was dragged from the jaws of defeat.

This also means I now have a spare Palm IIIe, which means that I still don't have to update. Since I was also fantasizing about getting a VHS player for the bathroom, TheLimey envisions a room full of outdated technology, all multiples of the same item. (And a lot of VHS tapes). It would be called "Liz's '80s room", although strictly speaking, most of it wasn't invented until the '90s or later. However, the potential for mockery is still valid.

(I'm also supposed to mention that leg warmers will be available at the door for those who could not otherwise conform to the dress code.)


argotnaut said...

Guh ... er ... golly, I hate to tell you this now, but you can just download the Palm Desktop and HotSync software for free! Now that you mention it, I remember that your Clu wasn't always pleased with discs that were less than perfect.

I suppose you could resell the PIIIe ... reBay?

I will need a long sweatshirt for this room of yours.

liz said...

Yes...I had heard something to that effect from Someone Technical...but I thought that it would only be the connectivity software.

At any rate, I am extremely happy to have an extra PalmIIIe for so cheap, so that when my current one eventually breaks or whatever, I don't have to update to all new everything, but can simply plop the newer one in its place.

Since they are so *dirt* cheap now, I must admit I have even had thoughts of simply stocking up on several them for virtually eternal replacements. (This is actually what triggered the outraged comments about the '80s Room of Outdated Technology.)

What he forgot to mention was that my TRS-80 would also go extremely well in the room. We could have showings of Tron!

I think I may have to draw a diagram of this room...

(I did propose to get some elf boots and tease out my hair...)

Andrew said...

I may have some Billy Idol CDs I could contribute to your room...

liz said...

They would appropriately complement my VHS tape of "The Ice Pirates"!