Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Now I had to go and try the avatar maker, too. It's the kind of thing I could mindlessly do for hours, like Neopets. (I used the illustration option, not the avatar option.)

Well, despite my adding wrinkles, it still made us look more glamorous than we actually are (darn).

Unfortunately, I don't have an actual lizard (it's symbolic), although TheLimey does have an actual football. However, he doesn't have an actual Tower Bridge behind him (it's symbolic), so... I guess that's alright then.

(Pictures transported from TheLimey's home computer to my school via my new Lexar "Sport" Jump Drive -- birthday present from ArgotNaut! I am now way too excited about its potential.)


Big Al said...

Geek! Geek!

(not that this is a bad thing)

liz said...

I have never claimed otherwise!! I think the truth-in-advertising law compels me to admit it.

Now, back to my statistical analyses...

argotnaut said...

Oh, you do so look like that!

The Limey said...

Oh,no way do my ears look that big.

liz said...

I guess we'll never know unless you post your photo.

Although I shouldn't really talk, since my profile photo's host site just pooped out and I haven't put in a new one yet.