Saturday, October 30, 2004

High-/low- lights:

Started new practicum on Fridays at campus health center--I like it, but am already so stressed and overworked that the whole usual "new job" thing is extremely exhausting. Also put me even further behind on work I've been trying and trying and trying to get done before application deadlines. Days, weeks, even months behind. Advisor still won't let me not apply, dangit.

At least I managed to suddenly get a flu shot. One good thing about working at the health center is that I will notice more medical opportunities, such as the flu shot clinic they held yesterday. I didn't have to prove my wretched-lung status, only state that I have it. The nurse laughed when she saw that on the form I had responded "relief" where it asked "have you ever had any reaction to a flu shot?"

Stayed so long finishing up work yesterday that it was far too dark to feed squirrels by the time I left!

Was so exhausted when I got home that I went to bed early and set my alarm for 5am to get up and work more. Unfortunately, I was so anxious and stressed that it took about an hour to fall asleep. Then around midnight, people outside heading for the bar woke me with their drunken shouting. Hard time falling asleep again.

Then around 2:30, people outside returning from the bar to stand around in the parking lot woke me with their even drunker, angrier shouting (exchanged at length with some other tenants in my building who were also woken up).

, at 3:50am, I was woken up again by a man in my building shouting continuous abuse for 15 or 20 minutes at someone. I determined that he was in the hallway, but refused to stick my head out to see exactly where. This is because he was saying (to one of my neighbors, apparently), and I quote, "WHY would you say that about me? WHY? WHY? WHY would you say that, you bitch? ... Go ahead, call the cops! ... I'm gonna break into this apartment and kill you! ... I'm gonna beat your head in! ... I'm gonna break in and stab you!"

At "break into this apartment" I decided that it was time for me to call the cops, so I did. They got there pretty quickly, but the guy must have already left. I didn't hear any killing noises. In fact, I didn't hear a peep out of whomever was being called "bitch," so either she was prudently not responding to him, or she wasn't home, and he was threatening an empty apartment.

Anyway, by then it was 4:30 and I had slept about three hours total. I want some word to express the extreme level of frustration I felt, but there isn't one.

Today, worked forever on big giant thing due last week, then re-re-rescheduled to be due yesterday...still not done. Other huge application tasks also hanging over head on very thin thread. I was determined to make it to campus in time to toss out a few peanuts today, but was about 20 minutes too dark.

Luckily for me, there was one little critter out past squrfew. Consolation squirrel.

Now, back to working.


Big Al said...

I really, really, really hate drunken shouting in the early hours of the morning. And I promise to stop it.

liz said...

So *you're* the guy next door who wears a kilt 365 days a year? (Today: a brand-new black leather one for winter!)

(It's true about his existence, although he seems to be relatively quiet.)

argotnaut said...

I fancy laddies in kilts...

liz said...

Well, I'm definitely not agin' it! Unfortunately, I think it would take some serious drinking to get TheLimey into a kilt.

liz said...

Dangit, this thing keeps saying there's one more comment than there is. It can't be that someone removed one, because then it would show the little trash-can icon.


liz said...

A-ha, there's the missing post!

Ej er ikkje Norsk, men bodde i Norge da ej var tenaaring som utvekslingstudent. Du er ogsaa Amerikansk, ikkje sant?

--Jauda, ej ble kjent med Red Dwarf av minn kjaereste, som er Engelsk. De er jo morsomt akkurat *forde* de er heilt uten betydning!!

liz said...

"Det", ej burde ha skrivet istedenfor "de". (Men i nesten-Nynorsk bondepratt er det nesten de samme allikevel...)

liz said...

...Where I discover that I am the Goblin King, played by David Bowie! (Shouldn't surprise anyone too much.)

I just found out about Canada's "points" system for immigration. Mainly because quite a few people I know are thinking of moving there if the election goes Bush.

argotnaut said...

Actually, that came up in conversation today. Maybe $ will win us more Canadian points.

Nice linguistics programs in Edinburgh, Amsterdam, and many others ...

Andrew said...

I might consider a kilt, but since it is now November in Portland, the kilt would have to be made of eider down and gortex!

liz said...

Now *that* has to be the most fetishy item I've heard of!