Friday, July 09, 2004

My face feels like I had a stroke, but it's only anesthesia from being at the dentist that is making me feel droopy. Hope it wears off before dinnertime.

I have finally found a way to actually get my teeth properly cleaned without flying out of the chair when that dang metal scrapey thing touches the exposed parts (roots?) of my back teeth. The dentist said last time that I could start having my teeth numbed before they did the cleaning.

Nevertheless, I had to insist very strongly that they actually do so today. They were going to try some dumb little half-measure like rubbing anesthetic gel on the gums. Ha! I don't care if they hurt my gums--it's that tooth-nerve-pain that I absolutely can't bear and will kill to escape from.

They didn't want to numb both sides, but I practically grabbed the syringe and did it myself, so they reluctantly agreed. Then everyone was much happier. I said I didn't care if I spent the rest of the day drooling.

I didn't get as much of a tension headache as I usually get from going to the dentist, though I still have one. ...on the other hand, it's usually bad the subsequent day, not so much on the day of the dentist visit. Crud! Well, maybe it won't be so bad this time. I was a lot less tense and sweaty-palmed than usual.


Gwen said...

Until your face thaws, I will not tell you about the time that I had a filling done and half my tongue stayed frozen for 4 months...

Anonymous said...

Oooh.. the dentist. The last time that I went I had 4 wisdom teeth removed and spent ages looking like a chipmunk.

liz said...

Having my wisdom teeth out was comparatively not so terrible. Now, having two root canals and an extraction while awake -- all on the same tooth -- *that* was bad. (But not simultaneous.)

Luckily, tongue working fine at this point!

PS: don't know if it may be on purpose, but I haven't been able to post any comments on the library squirrel page the past few days!

Mark said...

Note to Self: Avoid root canals.

Hmmm... I wonder what makes medical students decide to go down the dentistry route. Sure, they provide a vital service but they aren't well liked by their patients in general even if they do outstanding work.

Gwen said...

Hey Liz, thanks for the tip re: comments on Library Squirrel. I just created another blog this week (a fake Saskatoon Public Library blog to show my superiors what we could do with this technology)(it's so stupid that I won't send you to it), and disabled the comment feature on it. I think I disabled all comments on my writing! I was feeling unloved due to a lack of comments, and lo, I had done it to myself. In your honour, I will write a blog today on frozen tongue (or as we say with frozen tongue, "frothen thongue").

Liddy said...

Ack the tooth scraping! I can't stand the thought...